Home is where you stay in bed ‘til 2 and make breakfast at 3.

Late Breakfast began with breakfast-scented candles and has evolved into a holistic approach to self-care. Late Breakfast is about everything from slow mornings to simple pleasures like honey waffles in the afternoon. It’s about finding the flow of your day and embracing it.

Late Breakfast helps create a safe space to honor our needs through caring for our physical, energetic and emotional bodies while loving all parts of ourselves in the process. We offer 1:1 healing and meditation sessions, self-care products, and events to connect with others both virtually and in-person.

If you’re just starting your healing journey, well on your path, or a healer yourself – you’re in the right place. Late Breakfast also offers a directory as a place to connect Black women, trans men and non-binary practitioners and clients. The idea for a directory emerged from my own journey of searching for a Black woman therapist and I hope to help others find practitioners who can meet them where they are as well.